Endangered European Animals
Captured by the Sony RX10 III
Up close from afar with the Europe’s most endangered animals
A rare glimpse of the most endangered species;
Sony’s stunning wildlife photography series reveals all.
Did you know that the Wolverine is not just a character on the big screen but actually a rarely glimpsed species with just 2,260 Wolverine thought to inhabit Europe?
The largest herbivore in Europe, the European Bison was brought back from the brink of extinction in the last two decades alone.
Kingfisher: In Europe the population size is estimated to be decreasing by 30-49% in three generations.
The tetrax population is declining because of habitat loss.
The atlantic puffin population has been decreasing since 2000 due to slow breeding rates.
Wildlife photographers across Europe were involved in producing these stunning images with the RX10 III.
Here is their feedback:
“One of the best things
about the Sony RX10 III is its weight. Usually, when I carry my 600mm
lens, it’s too heavy to walk further than a few hundred metres – this
allowed me to be more flexible. You also don’t need any other lens,
which is great!”
Lassi Rautiainen, a nature photographer from Finland, photographed the wolverine in Finland.
“One of the best things
about the Sony RX10 III is its weight. Most wildlife cameras are heavy
and bulky, which can make getting into certain positions tricky. If you
can, it’s always best to photograph an animal at eye level as it creates
instantly engaging content – this camera allows you to do this with
ease, when most others don’t.”
Sam Hobson, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014/2016, photographed the Atlantic puffin in Skomer Island, Wales.
“The Sony RX10 III is an
amazing tool for serious wildlife photographers. It’s a great camera
with a breath-taking sensor, a very flexible range of zoom and an
extraordinary good lens. The pictures are of a very professional quality
- similar to the results expected from a very, very expensive piece of
Markus Stähli, a nature photographer from Switzerland, photographed the bison in France.
“The Sony RX10 III has a
surprisingly powerful zoom, which is perfect for wildlife photography as
it allows you to capture a range of shots. Most importantly, however,
is the total deactivation of the sound of the camera. Animals can be
very sensitive to the trigger noise, but with this camera you can work
in complete silence, allowing you to capture many shots that would be
impossible using any other camera.”
Javier Alonso Huerta, a wildlife photographer from Spain, photographed the little bustard in Spain.
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